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"RIN!"Madara angrily yelled as with Obito who did the same.

But they were to late.

My fist connected with Itachi's face making him fall breathing increased more when he was on the floor.

That was it.

My heartbeat became louder,and my vision began to blur.i can't stay awake.

I cant..


Obito's voice was the last thing i heard before everything went dark.

Izuna's P.O.V
My eyes were wide when Rin just fell foward.

She punched Itachi!

Madara caught her before she could hit the ground.and Itachi was on his feet right after,he looked angry.

He then raised his hand,no!he's going to try to hit her.shes already unconscious!

"Itachi stop!"I yelled.

He didn't listen,he raised his fist and aimed for her.Rin was out of it in Madara's arms.

Before his fist even touched her Madara cuaght it with his hand.

"Get back now."he said to Itachi.

"She-"He started to say but Madara cut him off.

"Now!"he yelled.

Itachi angrily pulled his fist out of Madara's hand and in a second he was gone.I looked back at Rin.

She looked bad.

"Obito did her chakra levels reach the point?"Madara asked.

"Yes,she's ready for the next step."Obito replied.

"Was this the only way?!"I yelled as Madara picked Rin up.

"Unfortunately it order for this jutsu to work she had to drain a massive amount of chakra."Obito said crossing his arms.

"It took two days."he added.

I frowned,"Well why wasn't i informed about this!"I said looking at both of them.

Crickets covered the silence as i stood there waiting for an answer,"I forgot."Madara suddenly said and smiled turning around,walking back to the site.

"Lets go Izuna."Obito said and gestured me to follow him.

"Yeah,yeah i know."I muttered.
—a day later—

Rin's P.O.V.

I heard voices..I couldn't understand it was muffled and sounded slow.

My nerves began to wake up as well,damn it!more pain!im so sore,i could barley move.I opened my eyes as slowly as it went,my vision came back.

I saw Madara and Obito sitting at the table in our tent me and him shared.alright Rin,make a move or something.

No forget that,i need to heal myself.but i have to sit up first.

I tried sitting up,but my sore muscles prevented it and made me whimper.

"What-?"Obito was talking to Madara but stopped when he heard me.

"She's awake."he said getting up,I tried sitting up again but Obito gently grabbed my shoulder and lied me back down.

"No moving."he said.

I shook my head."i...i need to heal myself.."I muttered.

"No"Obito said.

"You can't heal yourself now,you used up to much chakra trying to master that jutsu."Madara said suddenly standing next to Obito.

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