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No ones P.O.V.

Shizune walked into the hokages office sadly.she didn't want to deliver this news..

She opened the door and shut it behind her and walked to the desk and bowed,"Lady Tsunade,I'm afraid Tenzo(Yamato's real name),and Sai have died in battle."she said.

Hearing those words made her heart tighten.she clenched her fist.

"And Naruto and the others?"Tsunade asked.

"In critical condition,Tenzo was able to use his wood style rapidly to protect only three of them lady Tsunade."Shizune said as she stood up to her regular height.

Tsunade sat there as rage and anger filtered throughout her.

"Those three were nearly burned to death.Naruto has internal bleeding inside his brain,one of his lungs has been badly punctured and bruised,and half of his rib cage is nearly broken with severe burns,Kakashis case is more severe that requires your medical specialty..."Shizune said.

"Sakura?"she questioned.

"She has a fatal concussion...and also has internal bleeding.she has major burns,and her left knee is dislocated..and I believe the doctors say that her ribs were broken in multiple places.."She explained.

Shizune stood in silence.this was bad for was the hokages idea to send them out...and she was so confident that Kakashi and his team could take Rin down..but two are dead,and only three remain,barley alive.

She looked up to Tsunade,and seeing her fist raise her eyes slightly widened.she slammed it down right in the middle of the desk,breaking it in two.

she slammed it down right in the middle of the desk,breaking it in two

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"Lady Tsunade!"Shizune said as she rushed over.

"Don't!"she snapped as she stood up.Shizune stopped and looked at the hokage with concern.she could tell she was angry and desperate.

Tsunade remembered her words.before she sent out there team,she was so sure that they were going to succeed.

"They'll all be healed in no time!"she yelled as she walked to the door.

"Lady Tsun-"Shizune started to say but she cut her off.

"I'll have that woman here and executed!even if I have to do it myself!were not giving up!"Tsunade yelled as she stormed out of the room.

Shizune stood there as tears brimmed her eyes.

She had given up.if Naruto couldn't defeat her,then who could?

We don't know who this Rin woman is working with.the three of them only knew...but they were all injured badly and unconscious.but Tsunade and the rest didn't know anything.who was she was working for?who was she serving?was this of her own will?who are her allies?what was there goal?

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