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Rins P.O.V.
—one hour later—


What the?!

I turned to the direction where an ear piercing explosion was.a harsh wind whipped by,bringing a large amount of debre.

I grabbed Izuna,shielding his body with mine.

When he and Sasuke fought,he managed to dislocate and fracture Izunas arm,shoulder,and break a few ribs.

Even though he was a reanimation,it would take time for him to heal.especially now that the caster was dead and couldn't override that inconvenience.

Finally,the wind had stopped.

"What was that?"i said to myself as I looked to the direction it came from.

"The enemy's nearby..."Izuna said.

I pulled myself away and placed my index finger on the ground.

There's...two men...judging by their chakra,I know the both of them.

A few miles away..there's more then a thousand chakra networks...

It must be the remaining allied shinobi force.


I looked to Sasuke,"yes?"I replied.

"I'm going to go find Madara or Obito."

"You stay with Izuna till I come back."he said.

I frowned,"Sasuke..."I said taking my finger off the ground.

"I'll be finished healing Izuna in a few minutes.if you could wait for us-"I started to say but he cut me off.

"I'm not asking you to do telling you."he said glaring at me.

I looked back to Izuna and gave him a sympathetic smile,"He's always like this."I said.

Izuna frowned and looked at Sasuke.

"Are you able to walk?"I asked and reached for his shoulder.

But before Izuna could speak,and before I could even lay my hand on arm was grabbed roughly,and I was pulled to my feet.

"For once,just listen."Sasuke said in a menacing and angry tone.

I swallowed and made contact with his eyes.

"You know by now...that I won't."

"We have to stick together!"I said

I glared at him with anger,and he did the same.eventually he let go and took a few steps back.

"Don't you see whats at stake."

"Izunas safety,yours,and possibly Obito."

"If they end up finding either you or him then-"he started to say but I cut him off.

"Then we'll fight."i said.

"The remains of the allied shinobi force are a few miles away from if we end up splitting,there'll be a good chance of dying."

He didn't say and Sasuke only glared at each other with different points of views.

Why didn't he understand?why did he want me to stay here with Izuna.if anything,we should all move together.

"Izuna is in no shape to go to a battle."he said.

I narrowed my eyes,I already knew that.but we couldn't just split like he wants us to.he'll end up in a dangerous situation.

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