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Rins P.O.V.
I flew back,hitting the stone wall with force,damn it!i thought as I wiped the blood from my mouth

Sasori kept his serious expression,"it's not all about the need to work on your defense."he said.

I angered,"I don't need you to tell me that!"I said and took off running.i narrowed my eyes at the puppet who was now charging at me as well.

I had to make the best out of this,even though we didn't like each other we had to cooperate,Madara ordered him to train with me.

I jumped up,my eyes widened when the puppets arm extended and landed a punch directly into my stomach.

I angrily grabbed the arm,as I desperately gasped for air.i swung it around and then flung it to the wall,I watched as it crashed into the same one I did.

I panted as the body parts dismembered.take that Sasori.i thought.

I looked back at him,I won!

"Behind you."he said

I gasped when I felt a massive blow on my back,it threw me to the floor

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I gasped when I felt a massive blow on my back,it threw me to the floor.i quickly turned to my back and rolled away just as it slammed its hands down.

I thought I destroyed it!??!!

I got up.i was beginning to get frustrated.every time I think I defeated his puppet it comes back!

I jumped a few feet back and starred at the puppet.this was more harder then I thought it was going to ketseryugan is useless in this fight.the puppet isn't an actual person...there's no blood.

I panted and held my side.if I could only figure out how to permanently dismember it...

I closed my eyes.

Mangekyo sharingan.i thought.

I opened them,and analyzed the puppet.the most critical place to attack is the heart.if I land a punch on there,it's over for him.

"Sasori this is it for your puppet!"i spat and began running towards it.

"Finally figured it out."he said calmly.

I kept my focus as I darted to the his puppet.

"Try this."he said.

I skidded to a stop when suddenly he pulled out a scroll with his free hand.he did six,one handed signs,and in a second 6 puppets appeared all around him.

What the hell!!?

I clenched my fists as I looked back at Sasori,"bring as many as you want!ill destroy them all!"I yelled.

The puppets quickly came at me,some of them had weapons and others didn't.alright's time to use your Uchiha power.i thought.

They began attacking all at once,one slashed a sword,I quickly dodged and fought,as the others came at me my body seemed to know what to do.i could see everything!i could see there moves before they even did them.

I took my defense and hit each one with force that broke there body parts.

But when they did,I took notice on how they assembled again.its like it was magnetic!No,it had to be something must be the chakra threads that brought the parts together,and if I get enough chakra in my leg,I could do a pulverizing attack that will disassemble all of them for good.

The last puppet fell apart,but once again the body parts began to connect.

I was breathing harder,and I was sweating like crazy.damn it!i hope I never have to fight a puppet master.

"Not bad.."

I looked up to Sasori,he had a small smirk on his face.

I looked up to Sasori,he had a small smirk on his face

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I closed my eyes,and made one hand sign,and held it.ill finish this match once and for all.i thought.

Pinpoint the chakra to my leg.

"Doing that in a battle would cost you your life."Sasori said,I blocked him out as I stored up more and more.keep it steady...control the amount.

This technique required lots of chakra control,which I was good at.i still heard the noises of the puppets being placed back together.

At the last second,I have to time it just right...

I felt the chakra in the puppets,I felt the vibrations on the ground.i pinpointed there locations.i knew where every which one was at.

All I have to do is wait for them to surround me...

The sound of the air whipping and the movement made me aware that they were coming.


My muscles tensed.


I let my arms fall to my side.


I opened my eyes.


I squated.


I sprung up into the air,and brought my leg up high,alright,it's time to unleash it.i thought.i aimed my leg for the middle as I came down at a fast speed.

I slammed my leg into the ground,I felt everything around break and crack into a million pieces.dust emerged just a quickly as the floor broke.

I stood up,waiting for the smoke to it subsided,I saw the scattered parts.and some sort of core?there were several of must be the hearts of the puppets.i think I did it!for real this time!

I looked up at Sasori,his fingers no longer had the chakra threads attached.


Sasori placed his hand down and gave me a small nod,indicating that the match was over.i smiled,I knew I could do it...

I suddenly felt that there was another set of eyes of me.i turned my head and saw Madara and-

I gasped,"OBITO!!"I called out and ran to him,he's back!

I couldn't see his face since he still had that mask on,but I could feel his emotions.and they weren't good.i stopped running and walked when I was close to him.was he not happy to see me?

My expression went from excited to a frown,even Madara looked serious,well he always did but this time it looked more intense.

"What is it?"I said quietly.

Madara looked at me and weaved two hands signs.whats going on?i thought.

"I'll be with you."Obito said.

I furrowed my eyebrows,"what-"I started to say but everything went black.

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