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Obito was waiting for his death to come as he stared at the blood stained moon.

Obito was waiting for his death to come as he stared at the blood stained moon

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His body was so exhausted,that he couldn't even lift a finger.

He only had about half a minute left to live.

Was it worth it? wasn't.i'd only managed to do the minimum amount of damage to Madara.

And as for Sasuke...

He didn't know what happened to his student.

This was truly a dark hell.he thought.

Suddenly,a kumui portal was activated above him.

Kakashi had landed on top of him,he smashed his hand on his chest to keep him in place if he tried to struggle.

With a kunai in hand,he raised it.

"I'll finish you off here and now!"he said

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"I'll finish you off here and now!"he said.

Obito didn't say anything.only because he didn't care what happened to him.he wanted to die and end his suffering.since he had lost everything he ever cared about..and his new dream that he had was crushed yet again.

There was nothing in this world that's worth living for..

Obito kept his eyes on the moon.

Kakashi gripped the kunais handle and brought his arm down.

I welcome death..with open arms..he thought.

But within that moment before death,Obito saw a flash of white before his eyes.

Everything had happened in slow motion.

Rins fist was shoved into Kakashis side,and his eyes were wide as he yelled out in agony.

He was there for a second,and gone the next.

He flew to the right,and hit the ground hard enough to where Obito could feel it in the earths surface.

His eyes moved to where Rin stood.

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