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Rins P.O.V.
I took a step back.i wasn't fond of the idea of Sasuke going one on one with Naruto.but if he needed help,I was always here to back him up.

Not to mention,this was potentially a three on one kind of fight.i wasn't sure if that woman,Sakura was going to do anything.but I was certain that Kakashi was going to take action any second.

" both are my opponent today.."

"And I'm starting with you."Naruto muttered looking at me.

Sasuke smirked as he lowered his sword.

"But,even though you've done this.."

"Your finally the village...your home."Naruto stated.

My fists clenched,that's what he has to say!even after I destroyed this stupid place!its like it didn't effect him at all!

I started to walk towards him but Sasuke put his arm in front of me.

"He's provoking you,stay back."he ordered.

I stopped in my tracks and gave Naruto a look of anger.i wanted to rip him apart!he was just trying to make me angry!

As the dark clouds covered the sun,I took a breath and stepped back.Sasuke could handle this.

"You seem overly confident."

"But unfortunately for you,you aren't getting anywhere near Rin."he said.

After he had said those words,Sasuke charged to Naruto in an instant.he raised his sword.

"Now Sakura!"Kakashi yelled as he ran towards me.

There going to try something after all?i thought as he came closer.

Kakashi threw a handful of shuriken at me,I sighed,within range they repelled and fell to the ground.

"Is that all you've got?"I asked as he weaved hand signs.

Hearing the sound of that jutsu once again,i looked to his right hand.he swung it towards me,my eyes had turned into the ketsryugan.

These attacks are useless-

Before he could hit me,Sasuke was in front of me once again,his foot smashed into Kakashis face.sending him flying back.

Sasuke then again,jumped back towards Naruto.

I frowned he didn't have to multitask like this.i told him it was ok for me to fight to-

Sakura landed next to Kakashi,with the fifth hokage in her arms.

I couldn't care less about that,but I knew Sasuke would be upset over it.i looked to him.i have to help him as much as possible.

"You'll regret what you did Rin!"Naruto yelled.

"I'll make both of you pay!"he added.

I scoffed as I weaved hand signs."I only did what was done to me!"I yelled and raised my hand.i was getting annoyed.

Multiple sharp spikes of hardened blood formed above me.

They aimed at him and flew.

Sasuke jumped back,avoiding my attack and landed next to me.

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