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Rin withstood her composure and stared at Kabuto with hate.

I'm sorry.she thought.but it's over for you.everything you've done to me,the pain!your lies,you've made me miserable....and my resolve to you,is death.

It was goodbye in a sort of way that she saw fit.

"No,I wasn't."Rin said as the air around her began to spin.

Kabutos smile was gone and his laugher died down.

Rins hair flew all around her as she put one foot behind her.

Sasuke smirked.this'll be over quickly.he thought.

Before Kabuto could think of what to do next,Rin was in front of him once again

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Before Kabuto could think of what to do next,Rin was in front of him once again.she grabbed his wrists and placed her foot on his chest.

She ripped his arms off without using the slightest strength.

Raising her foot she shoved it into his face,smashing it in.she moved to the side,dodging the real Kabuto.

She turned around,with a hardened kunai of blood forming in her hand,slashing his bicep.

He jumped back.

"Why didn't my sealing jutsu work?"he said to himself.she detected the real me when my clone was!

Rin jumped off from the wall and landed.

"Every jutsu has a weakness Kabuto."Rin said.

He glared at her with anger.

"And that weakness is me."she raised her foot and slammed it on the ground.

It instantly broke in half,with a sheet of blood shooting from the crack.the pressure will kill him if he touches it.

Kabuto moved out of the way,but Sasukes susano'o took ahold of him.

Rin ran towards it,and weaved hand signs."bloodstlye:spear of no return!"she yelled and jumped at the perfect angle.

Her arm was outstretched to Kabuto,she guided the blood with one hand,and it had stopped on the top of her arm.

The accuracy was done.


The spear took it cut through the air,Rin watched with the eyes of a hawk as it descended to Kabuto.

He looked up,and his eyes widened.

It's over for you.

There's no escaping this.

"Sage art:-"before he could finish his words,the spear went inside his mouth,and emerged from behind his neck,piercing the ground.

Rin landed right in front of him

It hit him.

The susano'o disappeared.

Kabutos eyes were wide as he looked into her eyes.

Rin couldn't help but think about him back when they were friends...his smile,his laugh...his normal self.

She took a step back.

But that was all gone.


Kabuto couldn't finish one word.all he could do was look into those demonic eyes that she possessed.

I should've never got involved with you.he thought.

If I knew you were like this...if I knew you possessed something so sacred as those eyes..

I wouldn't have dared to call you friend.

a second after,he died.

Rins P.O.V.

I looked at Kabutos face,his eyes that were still wide.

Although he was dead,I could still see the fear on his face.

"Goodbye..Kabuto..."i whispered.

I cringed and rubbed my eyes,they were hurting...

That's odd.they shouldn't be giving me any trouble.

But aside that.

"Sasuke.."I said,looking at him.

"You think Izuna will be waiting for us?"I asked.

Since the caster of the reanimation jutsu died,I don't know if Izuna would still be here...I was scared to find out.we both wanted to know if he was still here or not

I took a moment to get myself together,and to control this undying nervousness in my heart.

Please be ok Izuna..please.

If Madara wasn't able to see him again,I would feel so guilty.

I had to do what was in my power to get them together.but that was if he was still here.tears rimmed my eyes as I followed Sasukes steps.

The anticipation was unbarring as I went up the long staircase.

How could Sasuke be so calm...

I bit my lip as my pace began to increase.i can't wait.i need to know that he's still here!waiting for us!

I passed Sasuke,running up the stairs,my heart was beating faster.he's gotta be here.i don't know how the reanimation jutsu works..but with all I have,im going to believe he's okay.

I expected Sasuke to feel the same way I do.but being that he only knew him for a few hours,I could understand why he didn't.

Finally,I bursted out through the door and jumped out of the ditch this hideout was in.

I panted and looked around.

"Izuna!"I called out.

There was no answer.

I felt the fear come closing in as I looked around,"Izuna!"I shouted.

"We're done!you can come out now!"

But there was nothing. can't be..

"Izuna.."I muttered as I lowered my head.did I cause him to disappear?i took his life away again...because I killed Kabuto..

I sniffed as I raised my sleeves to my eyes,wiping multiple times,but more tears replaced the ones that I wiped away.

"I-I'm sorry Izuna.."I muttered.

This was my fault wasn't it.i should've just put Kabuto under a genjutsu instead of killing him.damn it!I feel like an absolute idiot!

Now Izuna won't ever be able to see Madara again!

"What are you sorry for?"

I gasped and turned around.

H-he was still here!!

Relief replaced all emotion as my eyes widened.

I was relieved and angry,but happy all at the same time.the most important thing was that he was okay.

"Your still here."I muttered.

Izuna nodded,"yeah,I'm not going anywhere."he said.

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