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I hid behind Madara.

"Itachi?i thought you we're gathering more intel."Izuna said walking over to us.

I starred at Itachi,i hated him so much.back then i had the confidence to kill him but now im afraid to be in his presence.

"We did,and according to the land of fire,they alerted all the other nations that we have the target."he said.

"I see."Madara replied.

"We have the chinoike stone tablet now,we have the ultimate jutsu."Izuna said.

Itachi walked over.fear rushed through me.

Since i dont have the blind fold i could use the lake to pulverize him.just the thought of him dying made me happy.

Itachi was now in front of us,Izuna handed him the tablet.he read over it,as he did i was debating on whether to attack him or not.

"We should be able to use this during the battle."he said.

"Yes,but now im assigning you to a diffrent task."Madara said.

Itachi looked up at him.

"Yes,what is it."he replied giving the tablet back to Izuna.

"Gather more information from each village,and find out the person who gave the mizukage are whereabouts."he explained.

"Right."he replied.

Itachi was about to turn and leave but then he looked right at me.i grabbed Madaras arm clutching to it,Itachi's sharingan activated.

Does he want to fight?,"Itachi?"Izuna questioned.his  eyes turned into his mangekyo sharingan.

So he does want to fight!i narrowed my eyes as I activated my eyes-

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So he does want to fight!i narrowed my eyes as I activated my eyes-

"Stop."Madara muttered turning his head slightly towards me.

Oh no..

I instantly felt weak and began to fall.

Not again...

Itachi's P.O.V.

Madara cuaght Rin before she fell on the ground.

Damn it.

"Getting into a fight with her isn't going to solve anything."Madara said picking her up.

"She's suppose to be dead."I said,my eyes going back to normal.

"You were the one that failed to kill her in the first place."he replied.

I clenched my fist.If i could go back to that day when I killed my own clan,she would've been the first.

"Now go."Madara said.

"Right."I replied and turned away and went back to the rest of my associates.

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