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Some time had passed.

A while ago,Obito had used his kamui to take out the team that was coming after Rin.

Giving Madara and her some time alone.

Neither of them had the energy to move or talk.even though they both desperately wanted to.

But that didn't stop Rin from trying to stand.

Madara was hearing her struggle.her light cries from when she would fail to do whatever she was trying to do.

He wanted to get up as much as she did,to hold her...but it was impossible for him to try and at least move his fingers.

He tried to figure out why she was attempting to leave.was it becuase of that explosion that they heard?

It had happened about seven hours ago,and Rin had been trying to go ever since.

"ss..ssaasuke.."she cried as tears of overwhelming pain intensified throughout her body.


Hearing the way she sounded,made Madara feel so helpless.he couldn't help her..he was in almost the same state she was in.

He would give anything to talk,to move,to assist her,but now he was to weak.

Come on!move!move!Rin thought as she positioned her foot,and pushed herself off the ground.

Sasuke needs your help!


Sweat dripped from her chin and onto the dirt.

I have to move!even if it's just a little at a time!

She shoved her knee into the ground,and placed her hand on it,and pushed.her arms and shaky legs trembled as her foot was placed flat on the ground.

Letting out a gasp of air,she panted as if she was dying.

Yelling as she used her knee,Rin was finally able to stand.

Her chest heaved,as she wheezed the air in her lungs.

Madara could only hear.he wasn't facing her.but by the sound of it,it looked like she was able to get up.

He averted his eyes to the side,but still wasn't able to see.

But then he heard her body hit the ground once more.

She wasn't able to stand for long.

Rin laid there,with so much anger and desperation.why couldn't she make her body move.

Tears flooded her vision as she lightly hit the ground.I won't give up!she thought.

"You never asked."

Rins eyes slightly widnend.

"eiich-i?"she whispered.

"Yes,it's me...but other then that,why haven't you asked me for my chakra?"he questioned.

Rin cringed as she forcefully moved her foot again."y-you've some.and i....i-image..that your..almost out to.."she replied heavily.

"I've been collecting energy and converting it into chakra a long time ago."he said.

"'s yo..urs."she panted.

Eiichi closed his eye,"vary well."he said.

Rin clenched her jaw as she began to try and push her body off the floor.I have to keep trying!I know I can do it-

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