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I was at my usual spot.

Walking by Madaras side.since Obito and Sasuke had came back a day earlier on there mission,Madara had decided to begin his plan early.

I was anxious.

The thought of coming back to that village again..all the memories would defiantly return.

But my mind was set.

I would destroy everything.

Nothing mattered in that village.i even said so myself.i severed all my ties to it.

With that being known,all four,including myself were on our way to Konoha.

The details of my part of the plan was simple,it was going to be quick,and Sasuke would be accompanying me to be sure no one inflicted any harm.

It would be few days till we get there since we were traveling by foot.but I didn't seem to mind all the walking.

This felt like all that time ago...

I remembered everything from that day me and Madara first met.the akuatski kidnapping me...and then meeting him..even they way Itachi used to act,so cruel.

I smiled as I looked to my feet.watching as one went in front of the other repeatedly.i was strangely happy about Kabutos betrayal to me now.

For so long I couldn't even think about him without crying or getting filled with rage.but now,it was like he was distant stranger.

No,he was a distant stranger.

I no longer needed or wanted him as a friend.

But I still remember what he told me that day I was in that meeting with our so called allies.i still remember the sting on my cheek when he slapped me.

Somehow it didn't seem to bother me anymore.

I had received my closure on that fraud friendship.

Taking a deep breath,I looked over to Madara and blushed as I just as quickly looked away.ever since that day..I've been getting nervous whenever I was close to him.

During my time of trouble,Madara had come in and somehow made me feel almost completely better.i felt like I could still become the greatest kunoichi.but I felt I could've shown my gratitude in a different way.

I can't believe we almost kissed.i thought gripping my fists.

It was so...


I sighed,if only he let me then I wouldn't be self conscious about it.

But,if I'm being honest,I didn't really expect him to stop me.this time I genuinely thought we would let me show my love.

This wasn't fair..not to me at least.

—-hours later—
"So,have you learned anything new yet?"I asked as I walked next to Sasuke.

He had this serious expression the whole time since he's come back.he hadn't said anything since then.i knew why though,but I was trying to get his mind off that.

"You know,what I learned was that merging two elemental nature's creates something new."i said.

No response,not even eye contact.

I frowned.

What was it going to take?

"Something's bothering you?"I asked,knowing the answer.

Sasuke probably picked up that habit from Madara.keeping everything inside.i thought as I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You know,I'm always here to talk."i said giving him a smile.




Still,I had received nothing but silence.

My smile slowly faded as I began to think.what will make him talk to me..I know it's gotta do with Itachi.but how do I make him forget about that right now.

I stopped walking.

I know.

My smile once again came back to me as I raised my hand,biting my thumb.

As a kunai made from my blood formed into my hand,I put one foot behind me and threw it straight at him.

As it quickly approached,Sasukes head turned,he simply moved to the side,dodging it before it could hit him.

The kunai went straight for Madara know.but I knew I curved my wrist,so it wouldnt hit him.but instead of letting it fly past him.Madara caught it in mid air.

Sasuke,Obito and Madara all turned,looking at me.

"Stop messing around."Sasuke said.but without caring I charged towards him.

"Cmon!he haven't done this in a while!"I said as another kunai formed in my hand.

I flung it towards him,immediately following its direction.

All Sasuke needed was to forget,only for a little while.i wasn't asking for much,but he needed this.just like I did.

He moved again,and the kunai flew past him.

I jumped up,this time.forming a sword in my hand.

When I landed,and as I expected,our swords clashed together making an x.

"Enough."Madara said as he began to walk again.

Sasuke looked at me with a small smile creeping onto his face.

He drew back his sword and placed it back into its holder and turned around walking behind Madara again.

I laughed to myself.

I knew Madara would put a stop to it,but it was worth a shot.i let go of my weapon,and it immediately dismembered and splashed onto the ground.

"This isn't time for any unnecessary battles Rin."Obito said as he passed me.

My eyes slightly widened as I bowed,"forgive me sensei!"I said.

But my smile never left my face.

Before everything started,I wanted us to all have happy memories.

Who knows what the five nations will throw at us.

For now,I wanted to focus on all of our bonds.and to bring everyone closer.

I was determined.

I stood back up,and began walking.i stared at there backs one by one.studying each man that was before me.we were all different in numerous ways,but the one thing we all had in common was the crest that we wore.

It may be small,but this feeling of my clan being joined together was...well,it felt like a family.all of us,and whether they liked it or not,that's what we were,despite of what they think.

We were all going to remain here,with each other once everything was over.

Hopefully I'll make progress with Madara...maybe even try again.

I nodded to myself as I picked up my pace.

Whatever happens,I swear that I'll protect these three with my life.nothing was going to happen to them while im here..

I caught up with Madara,taking my usual spot once again.

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