145. Sendak x Fem! Galra Reader - Mine

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One day when Sendak sees you, his mate, laughing with Haxus he reminds you who you belong to.

Requested by: Wildmustang2000

You laughed as Haxus told you a funny story about when he was training. You couldn't believe that he would put food goo in the trainer's boots. As he continued his story Sendak walked into the bridge and saw you and Haxus laughing. He didn't like it very much since you were his mate. You and Haxus stopped laughing as he walked over.

"Oh, hey Sendy, Haxus was just telling me the most hilarious story." You said, a big smile still on your face.

Sendak only stared at you, feeling jealous. He growled sharply at Haxus as he picked you up and flung you over his shoulder. Haxus flinched a little and watched Sendak carry you away. He hadn't meant to make his Commander angry or jealous.


"Sendak, what's gotten into you?" You asked your mate as he laid you on the large bed in your habsuite.

"You need a reminder of who you belong to." Sendak growled as he began removing his armor.

You smirked, knowing what he was going to do to you. You quickly undressed yourself and threw your clothes/armor on the ground. You-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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