37. Thace x Fem! Human Reader - Colored bandaids

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After Sendak was defeated there was finally some peace. Thace, your boyfriend, ended up living with you on Earth. However, you weren't aware that Galra have a habit of getting into things that they're not supposed to.

After the whole situation of defeating Sendak you and Team Voltron could finally rest. The Paladins were helping to repair the damage that the Fire of Purification made. Thace, your Galran boyfriend, ended up living with you in your new home. You were surprised at how quickly he seemed to adapt to life on Earth. Right now, you were out visiting a friend while Thace stayed at home.

Shortly after you left he wondered what some of the things in your house were used for. You had already explained what cleaning products, utensils and a bunch of other things were used for and how they worked. But there were still so many things he had questions about. Thace wandered into the bathroom and immediately started going through the cupboards. As expected, he found the usual toilet paper, pads/tampons, extra soap and various other items.

"What are these for?" Thace asked himself when he found a box of colored bandaids.

Since he was still learning how to read in your language he wasn't aware of what the bandaids were used for. Curiously, he pulled out a pink bandaid and turned it over in his large hands. He saw the two tabs on the back and peeled them off. He noted that the underside was sticky and there was a little padding in the middle. He thought that it was some kind of sticker and smiled.

He decided to stick the bandaid on the bridge of his nose. Thace smiled to himself as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. One by one he pulled more bandaids out of the box and stuck them to himself. When he had several bandaids on his face, arms and fingers he decided that he was done. After putting the bandaids away he went to go make himself some hot chocolate.


You shivered as you unlocked the front door to your house/apartment. It was winter and it was very cold outside. After you took your shoes and coat off and put them away you went to the living room. You saw Thace sitting on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate. You also noticed the bandaids on him.

"Y/n, you're finally home. I was getting worried about you." Thace said as he put his hot chocolate down as you sat next to him.

"Thace, why do you have bandaids all over you?" You asked him curiously.

"I thought that they were stickers..." Thace said awkwardly.

"No, they're called bandaids. They're used to put over small cuts or scrapes so that they won't get infected." You told him.

"Oh, I didn't know... I'm sorry." Thace said, feeling bad for not knowing the difference.

"It's fine, you didn't know." You said, hugging him.

Thace smiled as he hugged you back. He started purring as you nuzzled him. You hugged him a little tighter, loving how warm he was.

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