11. Morvok x Fem! Galra Reader - Fun sized

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Everyone in the Galra Empire thinks that Morvok is too short and plump to be attractive. Everyone except you.

When you arrived at Morvok's cruiser you immediately started looking for him. You walked down the long maze like hallways until you came to the control room. You were surprised to see that it was empty. You decided to check his bedroom. When you got to his room you heard something that sounded like crying.

"Morvok, I'm here." You said, knocking on his door.

"It's open." Morvok said from inside his room.

You stood where the sensor could see you and the door opened. You walked into the large bedroom and sat on the large, soft bed. You could tell that Morvok had been crying a little. Morvok tried to hide that he was crying since it was considered undignified.

"Morvok, what's wrong?" You asked him curiously.

"Nothing is wrong." Morvok said stubbornly.

"Come on, you can tell me anything." You said, scooting over a little so that you were sitting next to him.

"Why do you bother visiting me? I'm short and as plump as a grape." Morvok said, barely holding back his tears.

"So? You're fun sized." You told him.

"I'm what?" He asked you, not quite understanding what you meant.

"You're perfect the way you are and you're fun sized. And I think you're cute." You said cheerfully, hugging him.

"You... You do?" Morvok asked you nervously.

"Yes, I really do." You said, nuzzling him while purring.

Morvok smiled as he purred and nuzzled you. He was shocked and happy that you liked him. He decided that he should start courting you as soon as he could.

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