42. RID Strongarm x Mech Reader - Beautiful to me

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Strongarm insecure about her looks since she's thicker than most femmes. You make her feel better.

Lately you had noticed that Strongarm was acting differently than usual. She would lock herself in her berthroom and she was less talkative. You caught her staring at herself in a mirror multiple times while muttering something. It only got worse when Windblade showed up. You decided to find out what was going on.

"Strongarm, can we talk?" You asked her one day while you both were alone.

"Sure." Strongarm replied without emotion.

"Why have you been so depressed lately?" You asked her cautiously.

"What do you mean?" She asked you.

"Why have you been locking yourself in your berthroom. And why have you been looking at yourself in a mirror?" You asked her, hoping that she would answer you.

Strongarm knew exactly what you meant, but she didn't think that you were onto her. Sure, you both were a couple. But she didn't want to bother you with her problems. You waited patiently for her to answer you.

"Y/M/n, I don't know why you chose me as your femmefriend. You could have had someone prettier, more social and thinner. I'm none of those things." Strongarm said sadly.

"Strongarm, I love you for who you are. You're beautiful to me, you don't have to be as social as other femmes and I like a femme with a little bit thicker of a frame." You said, pulling her into a hug.

"Really?" Strongarm asked you.

"Really." You said, pulling her in for a soft, passionate kiss.

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