197. TFP Starscream x Femme Seeker Reader

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When you, a beautiful femme Seeker, join the Decepticons Starscream naturally takes an interest in you.

Requested by: BelleStarmon
After Cybertron went offline every online Cybertronian was scattered to the stars. Seekers were incredibly rare and everyone believed that Starscream was the last one. However, when you arrived on Earth and joined the Decepticons you proved everyone wrong. The other Decepticons, even Megatron, treated you with respect. Starscream was in love with you as soon as he first met you.

As a few weeks passed you had almost every mech on the Nemesis wrapped around your pinky digit. Knockout always flirted with you, even if Starscream was around. Starscream knew that he needed to make his move on you because if he didn't Knockout would claim you as his sparkmate. So one evening while you were sitting on the flight deck, enjoying the sunset, Starscream joined you.

"Mind if I sit here?" Starscream asked as he sat next to you.

"Not at all." You said, smiling softly at him.

Starscream looked out at the sunset, finding it to be quite beautiful. His spark was pulsing faster than it ever had before and he had a funny feeling in his tanks. You noticed him glancing at you every few seconds.

"You know, Y/C/n, the sunset isn't the only thing that's beautiful." Starscream said after a while.

"Oh, and what would that be?" You asked him curiously.

"You. Y/C/n, you're the most beautiful femme that I've ever met." Starscream said, a sappy smile on his face.

"That's... That's actually the sweetest thing anyone's ever told me." You gasped softly.

Starscream smiled as he scooted closer and wrapped one of his arms around his waist. He leaned forwards and kissed your right cheekplate, his wings fluttering a little in happiness. You blushed lightly and your wings fluttered a little. You both sat there together and watched as the sun went down and the stars and the moon appeared in the sky.

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