65. Keith x Fem! Galra Reader

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While you and Keith, your boyfriend, are hanging out he teaches you how humans show affection for their lover.

You and Keith finally had a day off. No missions, no Zarkon trying to take over some planet and no training. Just a day of rest and relaxation. You laid on top of your boyfriend as you both hung out in his room in the Castle of Lions. You purred happily as you nuzzled him.

"Keith, how do humans show their lover affection?" You asked him softly.

"Well, we hug each other. And then we nuzzle. But most of the time we kiss. It's something my dad taught my mom." Keith told you.

"What is 'kiss'?" You asked Keith curiously, looking up at him.

"It's when two people who love each other press their lips together." Keith said, making eye contact with you.

"I want to try it." You purred.

Keith blushed, not expecting you to ask him to teach you how to kiss. He cupped your cheeks with his hands and you both slowly leaned forward and closed your eyes. As soon as his lips pressed against yours you felt fireworks go off in your stomach. You never thought that doing something so strange would feel so good. Keith felt butterflies in his stomach as you deepened the kiss.

"Well?" Keith asked you as he pulled away from the kiss and opened his eyes.

Your only answer was pulling him back in for another kiss. You loved this new feeling and you didn't want to stop. Keith wasn't complaining and just kissed you back. Thankfully, no one bothered either of you that day.

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