93. RID Blurr x Sideswipe

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Sideswipe finally confesses his feelings for Blurr.

Since there were no emergencies lately Blurr decided to go visit Sideswipe. Things on Griffon Rock got boring sometimes. He typed the coordinates and opened the groundbridge. After he walked through Blades closed the groundbridge behind him. It didn't take him long to drive to the scrap yard.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Blurr asked when he transformed.

"It's going good. Is there any trouble in Griffon Rock?" Bee asked Blurr curiously.

"No, thankfully. I just wanted to hang out with Sideswipe." Blurr told Bee.

"Did someone say my name?" Sideswipe asked as he popped out of nowhere.

"I did." Blurr said as he looked at Sideswipe.

Sideswipe blushed a little when he saw Blurr. He had a crush on the Rescue Bot, but he was always too nervous to do anything about it. He decided that today was the day he was finally going to confess his feelings.

"Hey Blurr, what's up?" Sideswipe asked casually as he walked over to Blurr.

'Nothing much. I just came to see if you wanted to hang out." Blurr said, a smirk on his faceplates.

"That sounds cool. Wanna go on patrol with me since there hasn't been any Decepticon activity lately?" Sideswipe asked Blurr.

"Sure, it sounds fun." Blurr said as he and Sideswipe transformed and drove away.


After an hour or so of driving, Sideswipe and Blurr decided to take a break. They found a place where there were no humans and they transformed. Sideswipe kept having a mental battle of if he should confess to Blurr or not.

"Hey, is something on your processor?" Blurr asked Sideswipe.

"Yeah, kinda... Have you ever had a crush on someone before?" Sideswipe asked Blurr awkwardly.

"Yeah, of course I have." Blurr replied.

"Well... Blurr, I really like you. I've had a crush on you for awhile. I know that you probably don't feel the same way." Sideswipe said sadly.

Blurr couldn't believe that Sideswipe had a crush on him. He had a crush on Sideswipe, but he always thought the red racer liked someone else. Sideswipe was scared that Blurr hated him now.

"As crazy as it might seem, I kind of like you too." Blurr said softly.

"Really?" Sideswipe asked Blurr curiously.

"Really." Blurr said as he closed his optics and pulled Sideswipe in for a kiss.

Sideswipe closed his optics and melted into the kiss. His spark fluttered in happiness. Blurr placed his servos on Sideswipe's hips, pulling them against his own. Sideswipe quietly moaned into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Blurr's neckcables. This was the best day ever for both of them.

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