104. TFA Optimus x Femme Reader - It wasn't your fault

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One day while Optimus is in his berthroom he sees a spider and has a panic attack. You find him curled up in a corner, so you comfort him.

Requested by: IsabelleBandorilover

When Optimus walked into his berthroom after a stressful day all he wanted to do was cry. But when he spotted a black dot on the wall his day was about to get worse. When he got a closer look at the black dot he realized that it was a spider. He immediately started heavily venting and he fell down. He screamed loudly and crawled into the farthest corner of his berthroom.

The spider crawled away, causing him to shake violently. When you heard your mechfriend scream you ran into his berthroom. You were shocked to see him curled up in a corner while crying.

"Optimus, what happened?" You asked as you walked over to him.

"A- A spider! I- I saw a spider... I'm sorry that I couldn't save her! It was all my fault! It's all my fault that she's half spider now!" Optimus stuttered as he vented heavily and sobbed.

You already knew exactly what he was talking about. You were good friends with him, Sentinel and Elita, so you knew what happened to Elita. You sat down and hugged Optimus, hoping to calm him down.

"Optimus, please don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault." You said softly.

"Y-yes it was!" Optimus cried as he hugged you back.

"No, it wasn't. Accidents happen to everyone. The good thing is that she didn't offline." You said, hugging him a little tighter.

Optimus looked at you as he tried to wipe his energon tears away. After a while the two of you got up and went to his berth. You decided to spoon with him, you being the big spoon, in hopes of comforting him. Optimus started going into recharge when you started quietly humming a soothing song.

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