185. Young Sendak x Fem! Human Reader - KISS

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After teaching Sendak how to read human books he decides to flirt by asking you what a certain word means.
When Sendak asked you to teach him to read human books you naturally started teaching him as soon as you could. It was a little harder than you thought, but you were determined. One evening while you both were relaxing on the loveseat together, both reading books, Sendak decided to flirt with you.

"Y/n, I have a question. What's this word?" Sendak asked you curiously.

"Hm?" You asked, not looking away from your book.

"This word, here. K I S S." Sendak said, spelling out the word in question.

"Oh, you should know that one. K I S S is kiss." You told him, realization hitting you, and you turned to look at him.

"And what does that mean again?" Sendak asked, setting his book down and fully facing you.

"Let me see if I can offer a definition. Or better yet, a demonstration." You said, putting your own book down, smirking and facing him.

Sendak felt butterflies in his stomach as you kissed him. He was happy that his new flirting technique worked. You climbed onto his lap and straddled his waist and deepened the kiss.

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