183. TFP Bulkhead x Femme Reader x Wheeljack

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You like both Bulkhead and Wheeljack, but you don't know who to choose. Thankfully, you don't have to choose.

Requested by: Sister of Ash-theAutobot
After Wheeljack came to Earth you noticed that he and Bulkhead would get competitive whenever you were in the same room as they were. You had a major crush on both mechs, but you didn't know who to choose. Bulkhead was such a sweetspark and you didn't want to break his spark, but Wheeljack was a hot wrecker with a spark of gold and you didn't want to hurt him either. One day Optimus sent the three of you on a mission together, secretly knowing your dilemma and wanting to help you.

"Hey babe, you're lookin' hot today." Wheeljack said as the three of you walked together.

You vented and playfully rolled your optics. Bulkhead felt jealous and held one of your servos with one of his. Wheeljack noticed and stopped walking. You and Bulkhead stopped walking too, both of you turning to face him.

"Look, Y/C/n, there's something you need to know." Wheeljack said seriously.

"I know, you both like me. I like you both too." You told him.

"But... How?" Bulkhead asked you curiously.

"Femme's intuition." You said, smirking slightly.

"You know, having two mechfriends is much better than having just one." Wheeljack said suggestively as he walked over and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"B-but it's up to you." Bulkhead said, slightly nervously.

"It's just so hard to choose! I- I guess having two mechfriends wouldn't be so bad." You said, a light blue blush appearing on your faceplates.

Bulkhead and Wheeljack smiled as they kissed each of your cheekplates. Your spark leapt happily as they kissed you. Having two mechfriends would definitely be a good thing.

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