72. Antok x Petite Fem! Galra Reader

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After you and your mate, Antok, have a 'night of passion' you find out that you're pregnant.

"Ulaz, are you absolutely positive that I'm pregnant?" You asked Ulaz as you sat on the examination table.

"Yes, I am positive. I have never been wrong." Ulaz told you as he showed you the test results.

You couldn't believe that you were pregnant. You and Antok had talked about having kits together, but you weren't expecting it to happen so soon. Ulaz knew that you were nervous to tell Antok, but he knew that the big hybrid would be happy.

"Well, thank you." You said as you got up and walked out of the med bay after Ulaz gave you the paper with the test results.

"You're welcome." Ulaz said before he went back to doing whatever he was doing before you dropped by.

You sighed as you went to you and Antok's shared habsuite. As fate would have it he was already waiting for you on the couch. As you sat next to him he sat the paper you were holding.

"Why do you seem so sad, love?" Antok asked you curiously, a look of concern on his face.

"Well... Here!" You said as you handed him the test results.

Antok took the paper and read it. He was a little shocked that it said you were pregnant. He looked up at you and saw that you were crying. He put the paper on the coffee table and carefully picked you up, sitting you on his lap.

"I- I can get rid of it if I need to..." You said sadly.

"Get rid of it?" Y/G/n, I want us to have kits with you." Antok said as he started purring.

"I know, but we're in the middle of a war. And... And if something were to happen..." You said as you cried.

"Shh, my mate. Everything will be fine. I'm always going to be here for you and our kits. I promise." Antok said soothingly.

You relaxed a little as you stopped crying. You started purring as Antok nuzzled you. You nuzzled him back, happy that you had him in your life. You couldn't wait to become the mother to his kits and Antok couldn't wait to become a father.

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