153. Blaytz x Zarkon's Sister! Reader

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You have a major crush on Blaytz, but you're too scared to tell him. Zarkon, your brother, sends you on a mission with said blue Paladin. The two of you end up confessing to each other and do so much more.

Requested by: FireLove

"Y/G/n, when are you going to tell Blaytz that you like him?" Zarkon asked you one day.

"Never! He would never like me anyway. Why do you care?" You asked him suspiciously.

"Because I'm your brother and I want to be an uncle before I die." Zarkon told you.

"It's not going to happen." You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Well you're going to have to do something. I'm sending the two of you out on a mission to test the blue lion today. Actually, in a few minutes. You two are going to a planet at the edge of our galaxy." Zarkon said smugly.

"What?! You quiznacking idiot!" You yelled, blushing a little.

Zarkon smirked as he walked out of the palace. You hesitantly followed him, not sure how to feel about going on a mission alone with your crush. Once you both were outside you walked over to the blue lion.

"So Y/G/n, I hear that we're going out on a mission together." Blaytz said, a huge smirk on his face.

"Y-yeah, I guess so." You stuttered.

"Alright you two, don't have too much fun." Zarkon said, trying not to sound suspicious.

"After you, beautiful." Blaytz said as Blue lowered her head and opened her mouth.

You blushed as you walked into the blue lion. Blaytz followed you, happy that he was going somewhere alone with you. He flirted with everyone, but you meant the world to him. As Blue closed her mouth and stood up Zarkon hoped that you and Blaytz would finally confess your feelings for each other.


Once Blaytz landed on the planet you two were checking out he landed the blue lion. After Blue landed, lowered her head and opened her mouth you two walked out. You blushed as Blaytz glanced at you.

"Woah, it's so beautiful here." You said as you both stared at the beautiful meadow.

"Yeah, it is. Let's go check it out." Blaytz said as you both began walking.

Your face heated up a little more, making your blush a little darker. As you walked next to Blaytz you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. Blaytz saw your blush and he knew that you liked him.

"U-um Blaytz, what would you say if I said that I really like you?" You asked him nervously.

"I would say that I like you back. You're an amazing person and you're very beautiful." Blaytz said as the two of you stopped walking.

"Wait, really?" You asked him curiously.

"Yes. I want to show you how much I love you. But I only want to do it if you're comfortable doing it with me." Blaytz told you, a blush of his own appearing on his face.

Your blush got super dark. You couldn't believe that he wanted to do you. It was a dream come true! Blaytz pulled you out of your thoughts as he picked you up bridal style and carried you back to his lion. Neither of you had gone very far, thankfully. As soon as you both were on his bed in the cargo hold the two of you began-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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