98. TFP Autobots + Lotor's Daughter Reader

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Lotor has sent you, his daughter, away because he wants you to be safe. When your escape pod lands near the Autobot base the Autobots take you in until Lotor comes to find you.

Also, you (the reader) is a teenager because Crosswave didn't specify an age

Requested by: @Crosswave


One evening while the Autobots and their human friends were out having an end of summer party they saw something falling from the sky. They weren't sure what it was, so they waited for it to land. Your escape pod landed about half a mile away from the Autobot base. It was Arcee who went to go see what landed. When she got to your pod she figured out how to open it.

She gasped in slight horror when she saw you in the pod. She carefully took you out and held you in one servo while she grabbed your escape pod with her other servo.

"What landed?" Miko asked Arcee when she got back.

"I- I don't know." Arcee said as she carefully laid you on the ground.

Everyone gathered around to look at you. In a way, you looked kind of like a wolf. But you had light purple skin and medium length white hair. June got her medical bag to check on you. Ratchet scanned you to make sure that you were alright.

"Well?" Raf asked Ratchet curiously.

"By the Allspark! She's a Galra/Altean hybrid, but she is clearly mixed with something that looks like a wolf." Ratchet gasped.

"Great, now we have furries falling from the sky!" Agent Fowler said sarcastically.

June checked your vitals. Thankfully, you would make it. Everyone couldn't help but wonder where you came from and why you landed on Earth.

"She'll live, but she has a slight concussion. She's going to need to stay at the base for a few days. Ratchet, help me get her into the base so that I can hook her up to an IV." June said as she put everything back into her medical bag.

Ratchet nodded as he carefully picked you up. He and June went into the base to get you onto the old hospital bed. Thankfully, Agent Fowler made sure that there were medical supplies in the Autobot base for every emergency. Everyone followed them, wanting to see you more.


You had been living with the Autobots for about a year now and you were loving life. You got along pretty well with everyone except Ultra Magnus. You had a slight crush on Jack, but you didn't tell him about it. One night while you, the kids and the Autobots were out a strange ship entered Earth's atmosphere and landed nearby.

"Decepticons?" You asked Optimus as everyone looked at the ship.

"No." Optimus said as he looked at the ship.

You, Jack, Miko and Raf kept your distance. When Lotor saw you with the Autobots he was worried that you were in danger. He opened the door of his ship and marched over to Optimus.

"Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?" Lotor asked Optimus angrily.

"I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. Y/G/n landed near here and we have taken her in." Optimus told Lotor as he knelt down.

Lotor was skeptical of the Autobots. When he found your pod's signal he wasn't expecting you to be with a bunch of Autobots and three humans. Miko wanted to ask Lotor a million questions, but she knew that she shouldn't go near him.

"I thank you for protecting my daughter." Lotor said politely, no longer worried about your safety.

"Dad, is that you?" You asked as you walked over to him.

"Yes. I've come to take you back. Acxa and Narti have found a safe place to live where my father won't find us." Lotor said as he hugged you.

"Oh." You said sadly as you hugged him back.

"Oh? Why do you sound so sad about it?" Lotor asked you curiously.

"I've made friends here." You told him, gesturing to Team Prime.

"I see... I'm sure that you'll cross paths with them again." Lotor said reassuringly.

"Okay. Goodbye everyone, I hope that I can see you all again someday. Thank you for saving me and letting me live with you all." You said as you smiled at everyone, feeling extra sad that you never got to tell Jack how you felt about him.

"Goodbye Y/G/n. We will all miss you." Optimus said as he stood up again.

You felt like crying as you followed your father into his ship. You waved to Team Prime as your father started the ship and took off. Everyone waved back as your father started the ship and took off.

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