39. Sendak + Fem! Doctor Reader - Fixed

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You were with the New Paladins when they ended up flying away in the Blue Lion. After Sendak was captured you decide to do something that you thought that you would never have to do.

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After the Paladins all went to do their own thing you stood in front of Sendak's pod and looked at him. He remained you of a cat and you started wondering something. You quickly walked to the med bay, grabbed a syringe with some kind of Altean anesthesia and walked back to where Sendak was being held. You made sure that no one was around before you opened the pod and stabbed the needle of the syringe into Sendak's arm, knocking him out cold. He fell out of his pod and you dragged him to the med bay.

You had to be careful so that no one would find out what you were doing. Once you got Sendak into the med bay you hauled him up onto the operating table and got the supplies that you needed. Since you went to medical school you pretty much knew what you were doing. You undressed Sendak and hooked him up to a few things. You grabbed the first surgical tool and walked to the side of the table so that you had easy access to where you needed to start cutting.


You let out a long sigh as you finally finished stitching Sendak up. You had just successfully neutered him, hoping that it would help him settle down. You took all the things you used during the surgery so that you could wash them and your hands. Once everything was clean you put everything away and unhooked Sendak from the machines he was hooked up to.

"Y/n! What are you doing with the prisoner?!" Allura asked loudly as she marched into the med bay followed by the Paladins and Coran.

"I just neutered Sendak." You said proudly as you cleaned him off and started redressing him.

"He shouldn't be out of his pod! Also, what is 'neutered'?" Allura asked you, still angry but now slightly curious.

You blushed a little, as did the Paladins. You had to explain what neutered meant, why you did it and how you did it. After you got done explaining things both Allura and Coran were very uncomfortable. After you finished redressing Sendak Shiro, Hunk, Keith and Lance picked him up and carried him back to his pod. You hoped that you accomplished what you were hoping to.

~ Time Skip ~

After what seemed like forever Sendak was finally awake. He was shocked to see three of Lotor's generals. They explained what happened to him before Acxa showed him to a room. Once he was alone he couldn't help but feel as though a part of him was missing. He went to the bathroom so that he could take a shower.

As he slowly undressed he noticed that the area in between his legs looked a little different. After he was completely nude he inspected the area. And then it hit him; his balls had shrunk. Not only that, but his testes were completely gone.

"Those quiznacking Paladins!" Sendak roared angrily, realizing that he would no longer be able to have a normal sex life ever again.

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