97. Keith x Fem! Human Reader

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You have been by Keith's side since childhood and you have always tried to impress him because you are in love with him. When Keith shows interest in Acxa you're heartbroken. One night after a mission Keith is angry, so he goes to see you.

Requested by: LytleLadibug


You and Keith had been best friends ever since you were kids. You pretty much had a crush on him since day one. By the time you both were a little older you realized that you were in love with him. You did everything you could to impress him, but nothing seemed to work. As every day passed you fell more in love with him.

However, when Acxa showed up Keith started showing interest in her. It broke your heart to see him fall in love with her, especially after all those times you tried to impress him and get him to fall in love with you. What was worse is that Acxa was the enemy. While most of everyone was doing their own thing you were alone in the lounge. You were practically sobbing as you sat on one of the couches.

"Y/n, have you seen- Hey, what's wrong?" Shiro asked you as he walked into the lounge.

"N-nothing's wrong." You said as you tried to stop crying.

"Yes there is. You can tell me. I'm here for you." Shiro said calmly as he sat next to you.

"W-well... Keith and I have been best friends since we were kids. I'm in love with him, but nothing I do impresses him. I don't think he'll ever love me back. He's in love with Acxa. I'm not good enough and I never will be." You told Shiro, sobbing hard as you did so.

"Y/n, you are good enough. I know that he's been spending time with Acxa, but you still have a chance." Shiro said as he hugged you.

"No I don't. He could never love someone as useless as I am." You said as you wiped some of the tears away from your eyes.

"You are not useless. Things will work out, I promise." Shiro said soothingly.

You looked at him and started crying harder. You never thought that being in love with someone would hurt as bad as it did. Sometimes you felt as though your heart was literally breaking.


After a particularly rough mission that went wrong because Lance decided to flirt with some random Galra woman Keith was pissed. He decided to go visit you. As he walked to your room he hoped that you were okay since you had been acting strange lately. Once he got to your room he knocked on the door.

"Hey Keith, what's up?" You asked him after you opened your door and saw who it was.

"Hey Y/n. Can I come in?" Keith asked you politely.

"Sure, come on in." You said as you stepped to the side.

Keith walked into your room and the two of you sat on your bed. Your door closed on it's own, as usual. You could tell that he had something on his mind, but you weren't sure what it was. Keith told you all about the failed mission and you listened to him. When he hugged you, you blushed.

"Keith, what's wrong?" You asked him, blushing a little at the sudden physical contact.

"I missed you." Keith muttered as he started lightly kissing your neck.

Your blush darkened when you felt his soft lips on your neck. You held onto him as you tried your best not to moan. Keith kissed his way up to your jaw.

"K-Keith... What about Acxa?" You asked, Moaning a little.

"What about her?" Keith asked you as he sat up and looked at you.

"We shouldn't be doing this. I know that you're in love with Acxa." You said sadly as you let go of him.

"Y/n, Acxa and I are just friends. I- I'm actually in love with you. I've loved you for a while now." Keith said softly, looking into your eyes.

Your heart nearly stopped. You couldn't believe that he was in love with you. After a few minutes of silence you hugged Keith. Keith hugged you back, happy that he had you in his life. You briefly looked down and saw a-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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