85. Prorok x Fem! Galra Reader

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Prorok has a nightmare and you comfort him.

Prorok was one of the most loyal Galra Commanders. He tried his best to follow his orders and he was very powerful. You, his mate, knew that he had a secret soft side. One night while the two of you were sleeping Prorok was having a nightmare. In his nightmare Haggar was using her magic to turn him into a RoBeast. He started thrashing around in his sleep and he mumbled pleas of mercy.

His nightmare only got worse as the night went on. You woke up when you felt him thrash around in his sleep. It took you a few moments to figure out what was going on. Your heart ached a little as you listened to his pleas for a second chance.

"Prorok, wake up." You said as you gently shook his left shoulder.

Prorok settled down for a moment, but then he started whimpering in his sleep. You wished that he was a light sleeper.

"Prorok, you're safe in bed. Please wake up." You said soothingly.

Prorok stopped what he was doing and his eyes fluttered open. He looked at you and sat up. He looked around the bedroom, realizing that he was safe.

"Y/G/n, I'm sorry if I woke you up." Prorok said, apologizing to you.

"It's alright, we all get nightmares. Do you want to tell me what it was about?" You asked him softly.

"I- Haggar was using her magic to turn me into one of her RoBeasts because I was accused of being a spy." Prorok told you, his voice a little shaky.

"I'm glad it was just a nightmare. You're one of the most loyal Galra Commanders I've ever met. I know that you could never be a spy." You said as you hugged him.

"Thank you, Y/G/n, for being here for me." Prorok said as he nuzzled you.

You nuzzled him back, purring a little as you did. The two of you laid back down and fell asleep in each other's arms. Prorok was thankful to have you as his mate.

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