133. TFP holoform Megatron + Daughter! Reader

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When you, Megatron's techno organic daughter, have a nightmare he comforts you. (You are a teenager in this chapter)

Requested by: P1X3LW1TTTY
You whimpered in your sleep as you tossed and turned. You were having another nightmare about MECH taking you and experimenting on you. When Megatron heard you crying he woke up and looked in the direction of where your room was. You had everything you needed in his habsuite because he felt that it would be safer that way. His holoform appeared in your room a few moments after he woke up.

"Y/n, wake up." Megatron said softly as he sat on the edge of your bed.

You whimpered and cried more as you twitched in your sleep. Megatron gently shook one of your shoulders, causing you to wake up. You sat straight up and looked around.

"What were you dreaming about?" Megatron quietly asked you.

"I- I was dreaming that MECH took me and was experimenting on me. Please don't let them take me." You cried as you hugged your father's holoform.

"Y/n, when your mother died I promised her that I would never let anything bad happen to you. I will always protect you and be here for you." Megatron said soothingly as he hugged you.

You sat there and cried. Megatron lightly rubbed your back, trying his best to calm you down. Eventually, you fell asleep. He laid you back down and tucked you in.

"Goodnight, my daughter. Rest well." Megatron whispered as he kissed your forehead.

You smiled in your sleep, knowing that you were safe. Megatron made sure that you were okay before his holoform fizzled away. He went back into recharge, knowing that you would now be able to sleep.

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