136. Shiro x Fem! Galtean Reader

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While Shiro is out on a solo mission on a strange planet he finds you, Zarkon and Haggar's daughter. You seduce him and he can't resist you.

Requested by: Wildmustang2000

When Allura sent Shiro out on a solo mission to get something from a nearby planet he wanted to hurry up and do whatever he needed to do so that he could get back to the Castle of Lions. However, when he came face to face with you he wasn't expecting you to become affectionate with him. You were Zarkon and Haggar's daughter and everyone knew it.

"You know, you make a very handsome Paladin. This armor looks amazing on you. But I can't wait to see what you look like without it~." You purred, hugging him from behind.

"I- I don't think this is a good id-idea. Someone could find us he-her- A-ahhh!" Shiro gasped/moaned when your right hand traveled down his abs and to his-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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