143. TFP Ratchet x Sparked! Femme Reader

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You are Ratchet's sparkmate. He is very protective of you because you're two feet shorter than normal femmes and because you're sparked.

Requested by: Ghidorah for Crosswave
While Ratchet was getting something from the storage room you decided to help him fix a device that he was working on. You were his sparkmate and you loved spending time with him. However, due to you being smaller than normal femmes he was very protective of you. It only got worse when you found out that you were sparked with his sparkling. When the device started beeping and smoke came out of it you started to panic.

"Y/C/n, get away from that!" Ratchet yelled as he picked you up and ran out of the med bay.

You didn't have any time to say anything as you were suddenly picked up and rushed out of the med bay. Within seconds the device you were playing with exploded and the med bay was filled with smoke. Everyone in the main room was shocked, including Optimus.

"What was that explosion?" Miko asked.

"I- I have no idea..." You said in shock.

"Well I do. I was working on a new energon scanner that was supposed to get energon signatures faster." Ratchet told you.

"Oh... I'm sorry Ratchet. I didn't mean to destroy it. I just wanted to help." You said sadly.

"Y/C/n, you really shouldn't touch something if you don't know what it is. But I'm thankful that you're alright. I don't know what I'd do if you or our sparkling got hurt." Ratchet said affectionately as he kissed your forehelm.

"I love you Ratchet." You said softly.

"I love you too, Y/C/n." Ratchet said, softly pressing his derma against yours.

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