156. Blaytz x Zarkon's Sister! Reader Part 2

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While you're out with Honerva, Trigel and Melenor Zarkon helps Blaytz take care of your baby.
Today you were out having a girls day out with Honerva, Melenor and Trigel you left Blaytz and Zarkon to tend to your baby. After you and Blaytz got married Zarkon settled down a little. You fed S/n before you left, but as soon as you left your home, the palace, on Nalquod S/n began crying loudly.

"Don't cry S/n, your mommy will be back soon." Blaytz said as he held his tiny son.

"Give him to me." Zarkon said, holding his arms out.

Blaytz handed S/n to Zarkon. Zarkon carefully cradled S/n in his arms. He didn't get to spend much time with his nephew now that you moved to Nalquod. S/n looked up at his uncle and began wailing. All he wanted was you to come back and hold him.

"That didn't help." Blaytz said as Zarkon quietly whispered soothing words to S/n.

Zarkon looked around and saw a pacifier nearby. He picked it up and tried putting it in S/n's mouth. S/n began happily sucking on the pacifier. Blaytz sighed in relief, still a little tired from the previous night.

"You look tired." Zarkon told Blaytz.

"S/n kept me up all night because I wanted to let Y/G/n sleep." Blaytz said, yawning a little.

"I thank you for letting my sister sleep, but you really should let her handle things. After all, she is S/n's mother." Zarkon told Blaytz.

"I guess you're right." Blaytz said, smiling at his brother in law.


As soon as the green lion landed near the palace on Nalquod Trigel let you and Honerva out so that she could take Melenor back to Altea. You and Honerva went inside the palace and walked to your private lounge. When you both walked in Zarkon, Blaytz and S/n looked at the two of you.

"Look S/n, mommy's home!" Blaytz said, holding your son up so that he could see you.

S/n smiled and gurgled happily when he saw you. You went to sit on the large couch next to Blaytz while Honerva sat next to Zarkon. You took S/n from Blaytz and quietly purred as you nuzzled him.

"So, how was your girl's day out?" Blaytz asked you.

"It was very relaxing." You replied, sitting S/n in your lap and leaning over to kiss Blaytz.

"That's nice, I'm glad you had fun." Blaytz said, smiling at you.

S/n played with your fingers while you, Blaytz, Zarkon and Honerva talked to each other. Zarkon and Honerva ended up staying for dinner. You had to admit that it was nice having your brother and sister in law over for dinner.

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