172. Zarkon x Fem! Galra Reader

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After you become Zarkon's new intended he becomes very protective of you. When your best friend, Sendak, comes to visit he uses a cheesy pick up line and Zarkon gets very jealous.

Requested by: Wildmustang2000

After ten thousand years of being married to Haggar, Zarkon got tired of her and took an interest in you. You were shocked when Zarkon, Emperor of the known universe, asked you if he could court you. It was a huge honor, so you said yes. Today Sendak, your best friend, was visiting Galra Central Command and you were hanging out with him.

"Can I test a pick up line on you?" Sendak asked you while you both were having lunch together.

"Sure." You told him.

"Aside from being drop dead gorgeous, what do you do for a living?" Sendak asked you, a smirk on his face.

You couldn't help but giggle and blush. Right as Sendak was testing the pick up line on you Zarkon walked in and saw what was going on. He felt very jealous seeing his favorite Commander flirting with you.

"Y/G/n, we need to talk." Zarkon said as he walked in and picked you up bridal style.

Sendak only watched as Zarkon carried you out of the cafeteria. He wondered what was going on, so he decided to go see what was going on after he finished lunch.


Zarkon carried you all the way to his and your shared bedroom and put you on the bed. He was going to remind you of who you belonged to.

"Why did you interrupt my conversation with Sendak?" You asked him curiously.

"Because you need a reminder of who you belong to. Now-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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