87. TFA Starscream x Seeker Femme Reader

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When all of the other Decepticons are away you and Starscream get to play.

When the other Decepticons went out to go look for an Allspark shard you and Starscream stayed behind. Right now, Starscream was sitting on Megatron's throne as he pretended to be the leader.

"Oh Y/C/n, care to come sit on my lap?" Starscream asked you seductively.

You rolled your optics as you walked over and sat on his lap. You sometimes questioned yourself why you agreed to be his sparkmate. Starscream wrapped his arms around you and started nibbling your neckcables.

"S-Starscream, what if the others come back?!" You asked him, trying not to moan.

"They won't be back until much later, my dear. Besides, we haven't gotten any alone time in ages." Starscream said as he rubbed your breastplates.

Your frame shuddered as he rubbed your sensitive-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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