157. Antok x Pregnant Fem! Human Reader

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When Antok goes out on a hunt you go into labor. Thankfully, Ulaz is able to get Antok to come back in time.

Requested by: Ravage4
You laid on the large bed in you and Antok's habsuite. Antok was going out on a quick hunt with some of the younger Blades. He wanted to make it quick because you were due to give birth to twins any day now. You would've seen him off, but he didn't want you to leave the habsuite. You had been having slight cramping all day, but you didn't think anything of it.

"Settle down you two, your father will be back soon." You said, rubbing your belly when your twins began moving.

Your twins reacted to your voice by moving around more. You whimpered in pain as a slightly worse cramp ripped through you. You carefully got up, got off of the bed and headed for the door. You couldn't put your shoes on because of how big you were. You were thankful that the med bay was neary because you were afraid that Antok already left.

"Hello Y/n, is something wrong?" Ulaz asked when he saw you enter the med bay.

"I- I think so... I've been having cramps all da- Ahh!" You said, screaming a little when you felt a bad cramp.

Ulaz panicked a little as he carefully picked you up and put you on the examination table. He felt your bump and his eyes widened.

"Y/n, I'll be right back." Ulaz said before he went to the back room.

You watched as he went to the back room. You had a feeling that you were going to give birth sooner than you expected. Meanwhile, Ulaz contacted Antok who thankfully hadn't left yet. Antok rushed out of the pod bay so that he could run to the med bay.

"Ulaz!" You screamed when the pain started getting worse.

Ulaz gathered a few things and put his surgical mask on before coming back into the med bay. He managed to take your clothes off and put something similar to a hospital gown on you. You were panicking at this point.

"Y/n, don't panic, Antok will be here in a few moments." Ulaz said, moving you to a bed and got a few soft towels ready.

"What if he doesn't get here in time? What if something goes wrong?" You asked Ulaz, panicking worse.

"Y/n, you really need to calm down, you're going to have complications if you panic." Ulaz told you.

"I'll try." You said, your breathing getting quicker.

Ulaz quietly sighed, knowing that you weren't going to settle down so easily. He had you put your feet in the stirrups so that your legs would be spread. When Antok finally got to the med bay he ran over to you.

"I'm here Y/n." Antok said, rushing over to the bed you were laying on.

You smiled as best as you could as the cramping got worse. Ulaz sat on the stool at the edge of the bed and grabbed a towel. Antok let you hold one of his fingers so that you could squeeze it. You relaxed a little now that Antok was back, but now you were nervous about giving birth.


After several hours of pain, sweat and screaming your two baby boys finally came into the world. Ulaz took them to the back room to make sure they were healthy after he cut the umbilical cords. A few moments later he brought them both out wrapped in soft light blue blankets.

"They're healthy." Ulaz told you and Antok as he gave you both babies.

"Thank you, Ulaz." You said, your voice a little sore after screaming.

Antok couldn't help but stare at the two tiny kits in your arms. They both had his colors, but one had his ears and the other had your ears. They both had a full head of hair, but their hair was the same color as the fur that was growing out of his crest. Ulaz went back to the back room so that you and Antok could have some privacy.

"They're so tiny, they could easily fit in my palm. You did such a good job." Antok purred quietly.

"Yeah, they are. I think this one's name should be named S/n/1." You said, looking at the one who had your ear shape.

"And the other should be S/n/2." Antok said softly.

You smiled as you opened the front of the gown/robe so that you could feed your sons. Both of your sons latched right onto your nipples and began suckling. Antok kissed your forehead, purring a little louder.

"I promise not to leave you when you need me most." Antok whispered.

You smiled, kissing him on his cheek. You were happy that he meant it. Both of your sons made suckling noises as they had their first meal. You couldn't wait to take them back to your habsuite. For now though, you and Antok were just happy that they were healthy.

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