08. TFA Optimus x Fem! Human/Altean Reader

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You are an Altean/Human hybrid who lives in the streets of Detroit after your ship crash landed nearby. One day you find out that you're not the only alien on Earth.

Requested by: PrincessLizthelion


Your stomach grumbled as you searched for something to eat. Ever since your ship crash landed on Earth you had been stuck on the strange planet. Your mother, who was human, lived on New Altea with your father. You had been traveling around since you were old enough. You couldn't let the other humans see you because you had Altean markings, like your father.

"Quiznack! How hard is it to find something to eat here?!" You cursed, still not finding anything.

Every once in a while you would see a stray cat or dog. After a while of searching you bumped into something hard since you weren't looking where you were going.

"Um... Are you okay?" Optimus asked when he looked down and saw you.

"Yeah, I'm Fi- What are you?" You asked, looking up to see a giant robot.

"I'm a Cybertronian from the planet Cybertron. My name is Optimus. Who are you?" Optimus asked you curiously, kneeling down.

"I'm Y/n. I come from the planet Altea, well, New Altea." You said awkwardly.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n. Why are you out here though?" Optimus asked you.

"I'm looking for food. Since I'm half Altean I can't let the humans know that I exist. That's what my mom always told me. Since I crash landed I haven't been able to find any food or go home." You said sadly.

"Oh... You can stay with me and my team, If you want. We have plenty of room at our base" Optimus told you.

"I- Thank you." You said politely.

Optimus smiled before he stood up and transformed. He opened his passenger door and you got in his cab. On the way to the Autobot base he told you about his team and why they were on Earth.

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