02. Throk x Fem! Human Reader - Arrangement

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Shortly after you, Sam, Matt and Shiro are captured by the Galra one of the Commanders takes an interest in you. He makes a deal with you in order to keep you from being forced to fight in the arena.

As Throk led you to his private quarters aboard the main Galra ship you couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited. After you and your crew members had been taken by the Galra while out on the Kerberos mission you had been sent to fight in the gladiator arena along with Shiro and Matt. While you were kept in a cell Commander Throk had taken in interest in you. He had made a deal with you that prevented you from having to fight. What was that deal, you may ask?

The deal was that you would have-


Unfortunately because of unforseen circumstances the rest of this chapter was lost and I can't find the Doc anywhere on my phone

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