195. TFA Optimus x Fem! Altean/Human Reader part 2

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After a few months of living with the Autobots Optimus finally confesses his feelings for you.

Requested by: PrincessLizthelion
Ever since you moved in with the Autobots you felt like you were apart of their family. Ratchet was the grumpy grandfather, Bumblebee was the annoying younger brother, Prowl was the cool older brother and Sari was like the younger sister that you always wanted. However, you really liked Optimus and he really liked you, but neither of you knew that. One afternoon while everyone was doing their own thing you and Optimus went to the park. He naturally let you sit on his right shoulder where you would be safe.

"It's such a beautiful day, isn't it?" You asked him, enjoying the nice weather.

"Y-yeah, it is." Optimus stuttered a little, suddenly being pulled out of his thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" You asked him curiously.

"What? No, nothing's wrong. It's just... Y/n, there's something that I really need to tell you." Optimus said nervously.

"What is it? You know that you can tell me anything." You said reassuringly.

"Y-Y/n, I think I'm in love with you." Optimus told you, his cooling fans kicking on a little.

"You- you do? I've actually really liked you for a while now, too." You said, a smile appearing on your face.

"You have? That's great! I mean..." Optimus said with excitement, trailing off a little.

You smirked as you kissed his right cheekplate. Optimus' optics widened and his cooling fans went faster when you kissed him. The two of you enjoyed your time in the park together for a while longer, talking about random things that you both liked.

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