57. RID2015 Saberhorn x Femme Reader

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You and Saberhorn are sparkmates, but he keeps you well hidden so that no one can take you away from him. One day when he comes to visit you he gets a surprise.

You waited in your cave for your lover, Saberhorn, to come. He told you over the bond that he was coming and you couldn't wait. You had been having certain urges lately and taking care of them yourself just wasn't working.

"My love, are you in here?" Saberhorn asked as he entered the cave you lived in.

"Saberhorn, I missed you so much!" You said as you tackled him in a hug.

"I have missed you too, my love." Saberhorn said as he hugged you back.

You didn't waste any time as you allowed yourself to send a strong wave of-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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