151. TFP Starscream x Femme Reader

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While you're recharging next to your lover, Starscream, you wake up while he's having a nightmare. You wake up and comfort him.

Requested by: IsabelleBandorilover
Starscream whimpered as he had a nightmare. It was the usual one where Megatron was about to end his life. But this nightmare took an unexpected turn. Right as Megatron was about to take the final blow you jumped in front of him, getting offlined in the process. When you felt your lover writhing around and heard him whimpering you woke up.

"Starscream, wake up." You whispered, gently shaking his left shoulder.

Starscream cried in his recharge, clearly sad about something. You shook his shoulder a little harder, causing him to wake up. Starscream quickly sat up and started venting heavily. He looked around your shared room a few moments before he looked at you.

"Thank the Allspark that you're alright, Y/C/n! I don't want to lose you! Promise me that you won't leave me!" Starscream said, still crying.

"I would never leave you, Starscream. I promise." You said, hugging him.

Starscream leaned over and pressed his derma against yours in a tender, loving kiss. You returned the kiss, ensuring him that everything was going to be okay. After a few moments the two of you laid back down again. You laid your helm on his chassis, allowing him to hug you closely. You both quickly went back into recharge together and had good dreams.

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