147. Regris + Fem! Human Reader x Antok

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When your crush, Regris, asks you how to know if a girl likes him you get super excited. The next day you see him with one of the female Blades. Your heart breaks. Thankfully, Ulaz can put it back together.

Requested by: Ravage4
When you saw Regris walking towards you your stomach had butterflies in it. You had a major crush on him, but you weren't sure if you should say anything about it.

"Y/n, you're just the person I wanted to see. I need your help." Regris said as he knelt down so that he was closer to your height.

"Oh, uh... What kind of help?" You asked him, trying not to embarrass yourself.

"Well... What hints do females give to show their interest in a male that they like?" Regris asked you.

"U-um... W-well... We tend to stare at people that we're attracted to. And sometimes we blush and stutter." You told him, hoping that he would ask you to court him.

"Alright. Thank you, Y/n." Regris said cheerfully, standing up and going to his habsuite.

You waited for him to leave before you squealed in joy. You couldn't wait to be his intended. You rushed back to your habsuite so that you could get your best outfit ready. Since you were the only human at the base Kolivian made sure that you had everything that you needed. Kolivian often treated you as if you were his daughter, which you thought was both a little strange and cute.


You smiled as you walked to the cafeteria. You hoped that Regris would ask you if he could court you. You had your best clothes on and you styled your hair. However, you weren't prepared for what you saw as soon as you walked into the cafeteria. There, at one of the tables, Regris was nuzzling one of the female Blades.

Your heart shattered into a million pieces. You began crying as you ran back to your habsuite. You couldn't believe that he wasn't interested in you. Ulaz saw you leave and decided to see what was wrong. He followed you at a distance so that he wouldn't startle you.

"Fuck! I knew that I wasn't good enough. I'm such a fucking idiot!" You yelled to yourself once you were back in your habsuite.

Tears spilled from your eyes as you went to your bedroom. You took your clothes off and left them in a pile on the floor. You curled up in one of the fluffy blankets and cried your eyes out. You felt so embarrassed for even thinking that Regris could have feelings for you. After all, you were just a human.

Human men weren't attracted to you and neither were Galran men, apparently. You wished that you could just die. You decided to stay in your habsuite for as long as you could. Meanwhile, Ulaz put two and two together and figured out what happened. He knew someone who loved you, but said person was too shy to say anything.


"Y/n, come out. You need to eat." Ulaz said somewhat loudly as he knocked on your front door.

"I'm never leaving my habsuite again!" You told him.

"At least come with me for a checkup." Ulaz said, a little louder this time.

You were silent, causing him to worry. You got an outfit and some shoes on and came out. Ulaz smiled slightly, happy that he could coax you out. You followed him to the med bay, thankful that everyone else was somewhere else. Once in the med bay, he helped you up onto the examination table.

"I know that you don't wish to talk about it, but I saw what happened a few days ago." Ulaz said as he grabbed his holopad and opened the scanner app.

"O-oh... You saw that... I just wish that I was good enough for someone. Human men never liked me and apparently neither do Galran men. I feel so undesirable,and worthless." You told him, trying not to cry.

Ulaz hummed quietly as he began scanning you. He saw that you were a little malnourished and slightly dehydrated. Other than that, you were healthy. He remembered that someone had feelings for you, but was too shy to do anything about it.

"Y/n, I know that your heart still aches, but there is someone who wishes to ask you something." Ulaz said as he turned his holopad off.

You looked up at him and wondered who it was. After a few minutes, Antok walked in with his mask off. This was the first time that you got to see his face. Ulaz smiled as he went into the back room.

"I'm assuming Ulaz told you." Antok said, a little nervous about asking you to court him.

"He told me that someone wanted to ask me something." You said, noticing how handsome he was.

"Y/n, I've had feelings for you for quite some time. I was scared that you would reject me, but now I no longer have that fear. Y/n, will you allow me to court you?" Antok softly asked you.

You couldn't believe that he was asking you if he could court you. You never thought it was possible. Antok was always a big softy, but he rarely showed that to anyone.

"Yes, I would like that." You said, a smile appearing on your face.

Antok smiled as he carefully picked you up bridal style. You were tiny compared to him, so he had to be careful. He was going to take you to his habsuite so that the two of you could share a meal in peace. Ulaz came out of the back room right as Antok was carrying you out. He was happy that everything turned out alright.

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