43. RID holoform Sideswipe x Male! Human Reader - First kiss

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You are Russell's older brother and you live at the Scrap Yard with your father and younger brother. It's your 16th birthday and you have only one wish; to have your first kiss with your crush.

It was your 16th birthday and you spent it by having a party with your father, younger brother and the Autobots. You were lucky because no other teen could say that they partied with giant alien robots for their birthday. When you blew out the candles on your birthday cake you made a wish that you hoped would come true. Since all of the Autobots were using their holoforms at the moment they could have cake.

"So, what did you wish for?" Denny asked you, his excitement showing.

"It's a secret." You said as you ate.

'Dad, you know that if you say your birthday secret out loud it won't come true." Russell said seriously.

"Alright alright, you have a point." Denny said, cutting the cake and giving everyone a slice.

As you ate your slice of cake you noticed Sideswipe looking at you. Each time you looked at him he would look away. You had a huge crush on the red mech, but you weren't sure if he felt the same way. You weren't even sure if he was into guys or not.

"Y/m/n, can I talk to you? Preferably somewhere private?" Sideswipe asked you.

"Sure. I'll be back." You said as you followed Sideswipe out of the diner.

Everyone watched as you and Sideswipe left, not thinking much of it. You could tell that Sideswipe had something on his mind, but you weren't sure what. Once you both were alone you stopped walking and faced each other.

"Y/m/n, there's something that I've wanted to tell you for a long time. I've been thinking about this for months. Y/m/n, will you be my mechfr- I mean, boyfriend?" Sideswipe asked you nervously.

"Are you serious? Of course I will. I've liked you for a while now too, but I wasn't sure if I should tell you." You said, smiling at him.

Sideswipe smiled, embracing you. You both leaned in and pressed your lips together. You felt as though fireworks were going off in your stomach as you finally, finally had your first kiss. You felt a little dizzy, so you held onto your new boyfriend. This was definitely the best birthday wish that came true.

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