169. TFP Decepticons + Fem! Human Reader - Coming out

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After the Decepticons notice that something's on your mind you nervously come out as bisexual.

Requested by: IsabelleBandorilover
Lately the Decepticons noticed that you seemed to be nervous about something. Megatron was especially concerned about you because you were like a daughter to him. So on the last day of May (not that anyone was paying attention to the day) Megatron decided to finally ask you what was wrong. You were the only human who got to be on the Nemesis.

"Y/n, is something wrong?" Megatron asked you as he walked over to the human area he had made for you in the bridge.

"W-what do you mean?" You asked him nervously, jumping a little.

"You've been nervous about something lately. Is something on your mind?" Megatron asked you.

Everyone else stopped what they were doing, wondering what you were going to say. You were scared to tell the Decepticons that you were bisexual because you were scared that they wouldn't want you around anymore and that they might kill you. You took a deep breath, knowing that you couldn't hide the truth anymore.

"I-I'm bisexual." You said, tears brimming up in your eyes.

Everyone just stood around and stared at you. You began crying, thinking that they were going to hate you. You were used to being rejected by now which was why you were afraid to tell them.

"Why were you afraid of telling us?" Starscream asked you, breaking the silence.

"Most families, especially parents, don't accept their kids for being gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender because they think it's 'unnatural'. Most kids either get kicked out and disowned or sent to conversation therapy which is basically abuse." You said, a few tears escaping your eyes.

"Why would human parents do such a thing?" Breakdown asked angrily.

"On our planet it doesn't matter what gender you like." Knockout said.

"Y/n, you shouldn't be afraid to tell us that you are bisexual. It doesn't change who you are." Megatron told you.

You couldn't help but start sobbing in happiness. All of the Decepticons, including Shockwave, activated their holoforms so that they could all hug you. You hugged each of them back, still sobbing in happiness.

"Hey, I think there's going to be a Pride parade in Jasper tomorrow. We should all go with Y/n to celebrate!" Knockout said, remembering that the next day was June first.

"I suppose that we could as long as we all go in our holoforms and there are no Autobots around." Megatron said, giving you a hug and trying to comfort you.

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