75. Regris x Fem! Human Reader

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You and your husband Regris are somewhat a power couple. What happens when you find out that you're going to be adding a new addition to your family?

You stared at the positive pregnancy test that you held in your hands. You and Regris had been married for a while, but neither of you brought up the topic of having kids. Sure, the war was over and you both settled down in a small town on Earth. But you weren't sure if he wanted kids or not. Neither of you had much, if any, experience with babies.

You sighed, hoping that he would take the news well. You unlocked the bathroom door and walked into the kitchen where Regris was making dinner. Your stomach grumbled when you smelled it's delicious aroma.

"Dinner is almost ready, Y/n. What is that?" Regris asked you when he saw that you were holding a strange looking item.

"O-oh, this... I-it's a pregnancy test..." You said nervously, stuttering a little.

Regris' eyes widened as he rushed over to you. You gave him the pregnancy test and he saw that it had two pink lines. He was silent, making you think that he wanted to get rid of the baby. You were so scared that you didn't realize you were crying.

"What do two lines mean?" Regris asked you.

"I-it means that I'm pregnant." You told him, your voice cracking a little.

"You're pregnant... With my kit... This is the best news I've heard since the war ended!" Regris said happily as he hugged you.

You hugged him back and pressed your face against his chest. You cried a little more, but this time in happiness. You were relieved that he didn't want you to get rid of the baby.

"You're going to be a wonderful mother." Regris purred happily.

"You really think I will?" You asked, looking up at him.

"I know so." Regris said.

You felt your heart flutter at what he said. Regris smiled as he leaned down and nuzzled you. He purred louder as you kissed him. Neither of you could wait until your little bundle of joy came into the world.

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