148. Antok x Fem! Human Reader - Emergency surgery

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Antok convinces you to go to Ulaz after your stomach has been hurting for a while. Ulaz scans you and sees that your appendix is going to burst. He has to perform emergency surgery before it's too late.

Requested by: Ravage4

"Y/n, I really think that you should go visit Ulaz." Antok said as you writhed in pain on your shared bed.

"I still think that it's because you got carried away." You said, clenching your teeth.

"Y/n, you're going and that's final." Antok said as he carefully picked you up bridal style.

You yelped in pain as your husband picked you up and started carrying you to the med bay. Antok was careful not to hurt you as he carried you. He laid you on the examination table as soon as he walked into the med bay.

"What's wrong?" Ulaz asked as he walked over.

"Antok got carried away!" You told him, moaning a little in pain.

"No I did not! Y/n has been having stomach pain for a while now. I'm worried that something's wrong." Antok told Ulaz, blushing a little.

Ulaz grabbed his scanner and turned it on. You laid still as he scanned you. Ulaz' eyes widened when he saw what was really wrong with you.

"Y/n, your appendix is about to burst. I need to remove it before it does." Ulaz said seriously as he turned his scanner off and put it away.

"Removed?! I've never had a surgery in my life! What if I don't make it?" You asked, starting to panic.

Ulaz moved you to his operation table and began preparing. Antok followed him and stood by your side. He could sense your nervousness.

"Y/n, Ulaz has performed hundreds of surgeries. I promise that I will be here when you wake up." Antok said calmly.

"Okay." You said, trying not to cry.

Antok kissed you before he left the med bay. Ulaz put his surgical mask on before he brought the tray of surgical tools over. He rubbed something on your arm before he stuck a needle in it. You slowly closed your eyes as you fell asleep.


After a successful surgery Ulaz went to go wash everything, including his hands. He removed the needle from your arm so that you could wake up soon. Once everything was clean he brought some disinfectant and gently rubbed around the stitches. The heart monitor steadily beeped as you breathed. After a while you started to wake up, so he brought Antok in.

"She's going to be alright." Ulaz said as they stood by your side.

"Thank you, Ulaz." Antok said, a slight smile on his face.

Ulaz nodded his head before going into the back room. Antok turned his attention back to you after hearing you quietly groan. You slowly opened your eyes as you woke up.

"A-Antok?" You asked, seeing his blurry figure.

"I'm here, Y/n. I'm so happy that you're alright." Antok said softly as he held one of your hands in one of his.

"I'm sorry for thinking that you got carried away in bed." You said, your voice croaking a little.

"Don't be sorry, my tiny mate. I would never get too carried away during that." Antok told you.

"I love you, Tok." You said, smiling up at him.

"I love you too, N/n." Antok purred as he leaned down and kissed you.

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