150. Ulaz x Fem! Human Reader - Happy New Year

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It's New Year's Eve. You, Ulaz and your six year old daughter ring in the New Year together.
It was New Year's Eve and tonight you, Ulaz and your daughter were celebrating it together. A lot had happened since everyone settled down on Earth after Honerva was defeated. The three of you played plenty of board games together to help D/n stay up. She desperately wanted to stay up to midnight now that she was six years old. Your son was in bed since he was too young to stay up late.

"Are you doing alright, D/n?" Ulaz asked your daughter.

"I'm fine daddy." D/n replied, feeling a little tired.

You smiled, turning your attention back to the board game. The three of you were playing candy land together. Ulaz still found things like New Year's strange, but he celebrated it with you so that he could participate in some of your traditions. Even if it meant you putting a shiny top hat on his head. At least you and D/n were wearing sparkly tiaras that matched his hat.

"Is it time yet?" D/n asked you curiously, her pale purple ears twitching in excitement.

"Yes, it is." You said, handing her a little horn.

You smiled as the three of you went to the front door. You unlocked it and opened it. D/n stuck her head out and held onto her horn. The three of you counted down until midnight. At the strike of midnight D/n blew her horn as loudly as she could outside.

Ulaz knelt down and planted a soft, passionate kiss on your lips. It was his favorite New Year's tradition. You wrapped your arms around his neck as returned the kiss. D/n stopped blowing her horn and came back inside, closing and locking the door.

"Happy New Year, Ulaz." You said softly as you broke the kiss.

"Happy New Year, Y/n." Ulaz purred.

"Happy New Year mommy and daddy! Is it bedtime yet?" D/n asked as she hugged you both.

"Yes, it is." Ulaz said as he picked her up and went to t her into bed.

You went to the living room and put everything away. Then, you turned all the lights off. As you walked into you and Ulaz' bedroom you saw that your three month old son was still asleep in the middle of the blanket nest. You took your sparkly tiara off and climbed into bed. A few moments later Ulaz came in and got onto the bed.

"Well?" You quietly asked Ulaz.

"She's in bed. Goodnight Y/n, I love you." Ulaz whispered as he kissed you.

"I love you too. Goodnight." You said as the two of you fell asleep on either side of your son.

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