131. Ulaz x Pregnant Fem! Human Reader - A close call

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When a fire breaks out in the cafeteria you pass out because of the smoke. You are also pregnant with two of Ulaz' kits.

Requested by: Ravage4
As everyone was eating breakfast in the cafeteria you sat next to your husband, Ulaz. You were in your second trimester of your pregnancy with twins and so far everything was going great. However, something in the kitchen caught fire and it was spreading quickly.

"Fire!" Someone yelled as the cafeteria started filling up with smoke.

Kolivian and Antok ran into the kitchen to stop the fire while everyone else ran out of the cafeteria. You tried your best to run, but the smoke was too thick. At some point Ulaz lost sight of you, so he thought you already got out and decided to go help everyone else escape.

"Has anyone seen Y/n?" Ulaz asked someone as he helped them get to safety.

"No, sorry." The Galran man said as he left.

Ulaz hoped that you were alright, so he went to the med bay to see if you were there. He nearly panicked when he saw that you weren't there.

"Ulaz, I found Y/n." Kolivian said as he entered the med bay while carrying you.

"Y/n." Ulaz whispered as he rushed to get a few things.

Kolivian carefully laid you on one of the examination tables before he left. Ulaz rushed over to you and brought a few things over. He hoped that you and the two babies you were carrying were going to be okay.


Ulaz let out a sigh of relief as he put his things away. You were in perfect health and so were your unborn twins. He unhooked you from a machine that was helping you breathe when he knew that you were able to breathe on your own.

"U-Ulaz? What happened?" You asked as you slowly woke up.

"You passed out in the smoke." Ulaz told you.

"I- our babies! Ulaz, our babies! Are they okay? Oh no, what if I lost them. I know that I'm in my second trimester, but what if I lose them?" You said as you fully woke up and immediately sat up, putting your hands on your extended belly.

"Y/n, they're both alive and safe. So are you." Ulaz said as he showed you a video he took while he gave you an ultrasound that he took while you were passed out.

You watched the video and saw how your twins moved around inside of you. You relaxed when you saw that they were alright.

"I was afraid that I lost you and our kits today. I promise to keep you closer to me." Ulaz said as he started purring and nuzzling you.

You smiled as you nuzzled him back. You rubbed your belly, happy that your twins were still alive. Ulaz carried you to your shared bedroom so that the two of you could lay in the pile of fluffy blankets and cuddle.

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