167. Zarkon x Haggar + Daughter! Reader

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You're sick of how your parents have been acting. One day when you've had enough you finally yell at them in front of everyone.

Requested by: Wildmustang2000
"My Lord, Voltron is up to something. I can feel it." Haggar said as she walked into the throne room while Zarkon was talking to all of the Commanders who live at Galra Central Command.

"I know." Zarkon said, watching his wife walk over to his throne.

You rolled your eyes as you stood next to your father's throne. You were getting sick and tired of their crap. All you wanted was this stupid war for to be over. You might have been their daughter but you wanted peace like the Paladins.

"Will you two just shut up?! This quiznacking war has been going on for ten thou years! Honestly, the two of you are old as fuck and all you can do is keep conquering planets and enslave innocent people! Neither of you learn from your mistakes!" You yelled angrily.

"Y/G/n." Zarkon growled, warning you to stop.

"Now, listen to me you overgrown space turtle, all you can do is throw a temper tantrum when you don't get your way! It's embarrassing because I can't even have friends! You're the reason that my brother is gone, too! You're nothing but an old windbag!" You yelled at your father.

"Y/G/n!" Haggar hissed angrily.

"And you! You're the worst mother that anyone could have! Not only did you reject Lotor but you also rejected me at birth! You're just an old, wrinkly, skinny excuse of a woman!" You yelled at your mother.

"Y/G/n, I think-" Zarkon started to say before you cut him off.

"No, you don't ever think; neither of you do! You're both huge disappointments! And you know what else, I'm courting Shiro! Good day!" You said as you stormed out of the throne room.

All the Commanders didn't know what to do or say as you yelled at your parents. Sniv agreed with you one hundred percent, but chose not to say anything. Both Zarkon and Haggar were shocked that you dared to yell at them. Later, when they went to go look for you, you had already left to go join Team Voltron.

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