116. TFA Optimus x Seeker Femme Reader

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After an encounter with Blackarachnia you feel depressed. Thankfully, Optimus knows how to make you feel better.

Requested by: IsabelleBandorilover

As you looked in your mirror you couldn't help but feel insecure about your body. You couldn't help but think that Optimus would be better off with a femme like Blackarachnia. When Optimus passed your berthroom he saw that you were looking at yourself in your mirror while mumbling something.

"Um... Y/C/n, are you okay?" Optimus asked as he walked into your berthroom.

"No, I'm not. I wish that I was as beautiful as Blackarachnia. You would be better of with a more beautiful femme, like Blackarachnia." You said sadly.

Optimus was shocked at what you were saying. He thought that you were the most beautiful femme ever. You looked down at the floor, feeling sorry for yourself.

"Y/C/n, I lost feelings for her a long time ago. I don't care what you look like, I love you." Optimus said softly as the two of you went to your berth.

You weren't sure if Optimus really meant what he was saying. Optimus wrapped his arms around you and started kissing your neckcables. You moaned a little, laying down as you did. Optimus kept kissing and sucking on your neckcables. In between kisses he whispered sweet nothings to you, making you blush.

You wrapped your stabilizers around his waist, grinding your-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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