76. Krolia + Fem! Galra/Human Reader

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After Sendak is killed and Earth begins to return to normal, Krolia finds you, a young Galra/Human hybrid.

After The Fire of Purification was taken down, Earth began to return to normal. Some of the Galran soldiers were stranded on the small green and blue planet. As Krolia walked around the Garrison she passed by a dumpster and heard someone crying. Her motherly instincts kicked in and she went to see who was crying. After a few minutes she found what appeared to be a Galra/Human hybrid.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Krolia said softly as she carefully picked you up.

You were scared, but you didn't do anything but stare at the strange Galran woman who picked you up. Krolia had a better look at you and assumed that you were around two years old.

"What's your name?" Krolia asked you, trying to help you relax.

"Y-Y/n." You said nervously, your throat a little sore since you were dehydrated.

"Where are your parents?" Krolia asked you.

"I don't know my daddy and my mommy said that I'm a monster because my daddy was a Galra." You said as you started to cry.

Krolia felt rage build up inside of her. How could anyone tell their child that they were a monster just because their father was of a different species. Your cries were broken and your throat started to hurt more.

"You are not a monster. My son, Keith, is a hybrid like you... Since your mother abandoned you I will be your mother." Krolia said as she took you inside the Garrison.

You looked up at her curiously, hoping that she meant it. After Ulaz checked you he wanted you to spend the night in the med bay. When Keith came to find his mom she told him what happened. He looked at you and smiled, promising himself that he would be the best older brother he could.

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