191. TFP Arcee x June Darby part 2

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Shortly after their little vacation together June finds out that she's pregnant. After everyone gets over the shock they're excited, even Jack. Unfortunately, after a few months Airachnid finds out.

Requested by: KatelynHammaker
Some time after Arcee and June got home from their private vacation June found out that she was pregnant. When June told everyone that she was pregnant they were shocked, Ratchet insisted on doing weekly scans and Jack was slightly scared that his guardian and his own mother did the dirty. He eventually came around and was actually looking forward to having a younger sibling. Over the next eight and a half months Arcee took care of June with her pregnancy. Unfortunately, at some point Airachnid heard that June was pregnant with Arcee's baby and decided that June would be perfect for her collection.

So one day, right before June's due date, when she was enjoying some sunshine Airachnid struck and took June. Right as Airachnid was carrying June away Arcee and Jack came home.

"June, she's got my mom!" Jack cried out in grief.

"Don't worry, we'll get her back. Hold on tight!" Arcee said as she revved her engine.

Jack held on tight as Arcee raced off after Airachnid. Arcee sent the Autobots a private message that June was taken by Airachnid. Right as Arcee and Jack arrived at Airachnid's new hideout the other Autobots arrived. Jack climbed off so that Arcee could transform.

"Let June go, Airachnid!" Arcee said angrily, trying to hide her fear.

"I'm afraid that I can't. You see, June here is pregnant, so I'm getting a two for one deal." Airachnid said sadistically.

"I hate to interrupt, but I think I'm in labor!" June shouted as she felt a familiar ache in her lower abdomen.

"Oh, so we're going to see your fleshy sparkling, how nice." Airachnid sneered.

Arcee lost it when Airachnid sneered and charged forwards. Ratchet dashed over and managed to save June from Airachnid and took her over to where Jack was hiding. He carefully set June down on the ground and activated his holoform, ready to deliver the first techno organic baby born in a very long time.


After several hours of fighting, screaming and pain Arcee finally took care of Airachnid permanently and June finally had her and Arcee's baby. Naturally, the baby was a girl. Arcee used her mass displacement so that she could be near June. Jack was in awe of his new baby sister. The baby looked just like June, but she had a few pink and blue highlights in her black hair.

"She's so tiny and perfect." June said softly.

"Yes, she is." June said, crying a little in happiness.

"We should name her D/n." Arcee said, remembering her favorite human name that she saw on the internet.

"D/n is perfect." June said, smiling down at her and Arcee's baby.

Ratchet's holoform fizzled away and he carefully got June and her baby into the back of his alt mode. Jack got in too, wanting to be with his mother and baby sister. The other Autobots transformed and followed Ratchet back to the Autobot base.
I'm sorry that it's not exactly what you asked for, but there are a few things that should be known. June is 100% human, it's impossible for her to turn into a Cybertronian. Even if she could it would immediately kill the baby. And the baby wouldn't be able to access her Cybertronian form until she was a child.

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