117. TFA Jetstorm x Femme Reader x Jetfire

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After a long day in the field Jetfire and Jetstorm come home only to find you recharging.

Requested by: Littlescottalou

After a long day in the field Jetfire and Jetstorm finally got to go home. They were tired and sore and all they wanted was to see you. However, after the front door slid closed they didn't see you.

"Y/C/n, where are you to being?" Jetfire called out.

"She is to not being in the living room or the kitchen." Jetstorm said as he looked in the kitchen.

"Maybe she is in the berthroom, waiting for us." Jetfire said suggestively.

"Ohh, I hope so." Jetstorm said as a smirk appeared on his faceplates.

Jetfire and Jetstorm went to the berthroom. Since the door was open all they had to do was look in. However, when they saw you they saw that you were peacefully recharging on the berth.

"Poor Y/C/n, she must have been busy today." Jetstorm said quietly.

"Yes, it looks like it. We should recharge with her." Jetfire whispered.

Jetstorm got on the berth and laid at your left side. Jetfire got on next, laying at your right side. They closed their optics as they went into recharge. Your optics fluttered open when you felt someone's arms around you. You smiled when you saw that it was your two sparkmates and you kissed them before you went back into recharge.

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